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Dr. Ziv Simon

"DoWell is an excellent company and I’m never shy to express this. The only problem is that your instruments don’t BREAK and therefore no need to buy too many kits… I am looking forward to our future collaboration."

Dr. Samuel Lee

DoWell Dental Products carries innovative dental instruments that reduces treatment and morbidity to our patients. I am extremely satisfied with DoWell’s quality, and for their friendly service. Thank you Dowell for being there for us!

Dr. Bianca & Dr. Gary Miller

DoWell Piezo ART instrument are GREAT!

I have purchased and I am using the DoWell Piezo ART instrument for removals and sinus augmentation with great ease and textbook success for my patient’s health, comfort, and their restorative reconstruction.

Dr. Bachle

"I love all of my products from DoWell!!

I love all of my products from DoWell Dental Products. Their quality and customer service always goes beyond my expectations."

Dr. Joel R. Benk

I like Dowell Piezo Art. I really like Dowell's Piezo Art!
Especially their Fissured Osteotomy Piezo Tips.


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Dr. John West's Signature Series Micro Endondontic Explorer JW17

Regular price $26.95
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Explore and Feel Beyond Sight with the JW 17. The Signature Series Microendodontic explorer is finally back and Smaller than ever!

Designed for caries and calculus detection, exploration of pocket characteristics, furcations, and restorations. The dual-sided #17 tips and signature blue slender form designed by Dr. John West.

• Made of high-quality stainless steel.
• Designed by Dr. John West
• Signature blue color
• Half the size of the DG16 with two times the “exploratory power.”
• Closest instrument to a microscope for “Finding” canals.
• The JW17 Micro explorer will enable you to “feel” what you cannot “see!”
• The JW Micro explorer has been called the “Canal Feeler.” 
• “Finding” and “Following” the entrance to the Maxillary Molar MB2 made both possible and easy.
• The perfect instrument to vibrate away broken root canal instruments where there is not enough space for ultrasonic tips or DG16.
• Coronal canal calcifications are easily seen enabling predictable canal blockage removal.
• Discover microcracks and diagnose if they are actually microfractures.